Application for Registering Drugs & Other Medical Consumables,
Medical Equipment and Hospital Furniture Manufacturers as Suppliers of
Sri Jayawardanapura General Hospital – 2024/2025
Applications are invited from local manufacturers or value addition industries who wish to register themselves for the supply of following goods & items to Sri Jayawardanapura General Hospital for the year 2024/2025.
Item / Category
- Pharmaceuticals / Drugs
- Surgical & Other General Consumables
- Surgical Dressings
- Laboratory Equipment, Test kits, Chemicals & Reagents
- Laboratory Glassware, Consumables and Appliances
- Medical / Electro Medical / Dental Equipment / Spare parts & Accessories
- Cosmetic Medicines / Equipment / Accessories & Related General Consumables
- Medical Furniture
Application Procedure
Duly filled application including following documents should be forwarded under registered post, or delivered by hand, indicating “Registration of Suppliers – Sri Jayawardanapura General Hospital” on the left-hand corner of the envelop to the following address on or before 30th of August 2024.
- Duly completed record of previous and present experience
- Duly completed detailed list of items being provided
- Certified copies of registration and Quality Standards certificates (if available only)
Selection Criteria
- Suitable manufacturing industries will be selected through an evaluation process conducted by a professional panel of evaluators appointed by the Industrial Development Board
- Evaluation will be based on the information provided in the application
- Incomplete or applications without supporting documents will not be considered for the evaluation.
For further information call 1995 (Hotline)
Industrial Development Board
No. 615, Galle Road,Katubedda. Moratuwa
Tel: 0112605887 / Fax: 0112607002
Email: chairman@idb.gov.lk
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