Meeting with Industry Stakeholders on International Industry Expo- 2024
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  • Meeting with Industry Stakeholders on International Industry Expo- 2024

The Industrial Development Board conducted a meeting with all the industry related Chambers, Associations, and Advisory Committees on the 13th of March, 2024 at the Auditorium, IDB with the purpose of sharing information related to the International Industry Expo 2024 with the targeted stakeholders.

Around 50 participants representing leading sectors of the country partook at this occasion. The event was excelled by the headship of Dr. Saranga Alahapperuma – Chairman, IDB and Mr. Chaminda Pathiraja- Additional Secretary, Ministry of Industries and Mr. H.M.S Samarakoon- Director General,IDB. The IDB is gratified and grateful by the response and support given by the most valued guests invited for the event to make the Industry Expo success.

Venue: Auditorium, IDB