Rubber Products Development

The Rubber Products Development and Services Centre at Paliyagoda was established in 1980 at Paliyagoda, under the directions and financial assistance of the World Bank for the purpose of providing services for the industrialists related to product development and testing facilities, extension and consultancy services, compounding of natural and synthetic rubber as per tailor made competitions, sale of chemical and other processing agents. IDB is to be proud of itself for been one of the manufacturers of value-added rubber products by processing raw rubber for internationally acclaimed and accepted quality with material properties.
Rubber Products Development and Services Centre provide technical services and information, expert consultancy, advisory services related to rubber and rubber-based products…etc. The division collectively has a range of portfolio of different products comprises of items such as solid tyres, latex gloves, rubber bands, extrusions, mats, other miscellaneous goods etc. The versatility and experience of the technologists and designers enable the manufacturer of rubber products to suit the stringent and competitive requirements of the marketplace.
Following are some of the other services given by the Division:
- Product and process development
- Testing facilities and quality certification
- Technical consultancy and extension services
- Provision of semi commercial services
- Serve as a link between the academic and R&D Institutions and the industries in general
Services provided by the Division
Extension & Consultancy Services
Project Formulation & Evaluation
Designing Plant & Machinery Layout
Providing Technical Knowledge on Process Technology
Solving Technical Problems & Trouble shooting
Conducting Programs (Awareness Programs, Demonstrations, Technology Transfer Programs, Seminars & Workshops)
Participating for the Exhibitions
Providing basic market advice & subcontracting
Selecting machinery & raw materials
Quality Control & Product Testing
Quality Certification – Rubber Compounds
Testing of raw materials, Rubber compounds according to National and International Standards
Product & Process Development
Design & Development of Rubber Products & Compounds
Manufacture of Sample Products
Providing advice on Die & Mold Testing
Semi Commercial Activities
Custom compounding of Dry rubber & Latex compounds
Providing rubber to metal bonding and mold releasing agents
Providing facilities for utilization of available machines
Regional Development
Entrepreneur Development
Technical Services
Leather Products & Footwear
Rubber Product Development
Industrial Estates
Head of Division

Mrs. Hasamali Samarasinghe
BSc (Engineering)
Assistant Director
Division Members

Assistant Director
Name : Mrs. Hasamali Samarasinghe
Subject : Overall Divisional Information
Official Contact: +94 11 2 930 747
Extension: 19
Mobile Contact: 071 85 62 871

Assistant Director
Name : Mr. J.A.K.K. Jayasuriya
Subject : Factory Inspection and Development & inquiries
Official Contact: +94 11 2 930 747
Extension: 24
Mobile Contact: +94 71 83 31 079

Enterprise Promotion Officer
Name :
Subject : Extension & Consultancy Services
Official Contact: +94 11 2 930 747
Extension: 17
Mobile Contact:

Development Officer
Name : Mr. S.N.E. Senevirathne
Subject : Quality Control & Product Testing
Semi Commercial Activities
Official Contact: +94 11 2 930 747
Extension: 24