In order to build an entrepreneurial culture in the country, maximum government support should be given to industries.
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  • In order to build an entrepreneurial culture in the country, maximum government support should be given to industries.

“The facilities for our industrialists to start and continue developing those industries… otherwise they will be weakened. Therefore, the government and government agencies should provide maximum support and guidance to the industrialists, entrepreneurs. For that, the Industrial Development Board respects this way. “It is important to appreciate the creation of a monk discourse in order to receive the blessings of the Maha Sangha Ratna and carry it forward,” said Reverend Dr. Wale Goda Gunasiri Nahimian, Anunayaka of the Sri Lanka Ramagna Mahanikya.

He said so in the “Monk discourse on building a culture of manufacturing industry entrepreneurship that builds the country” held at the Katubedda Industry Development Board Auditorium on 27.04.2024.

Organized by the Industrial Development Board, this monk talk was attended by Reverend Rev. Dr. Valeboda Gunasiri Nayaka Thero, Anunayaka of Sri Lanka Ramanya Mahanikya, Prof. Medavachchiye Dhammajothi Nahimi, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya. This entrepreneurship monk talk was held under the leadership of Venerable Professor Ela Maldeniye Sarananda Na Thero, Reverend Dr. Madiye Sugatha Siri, Senior Lecturer of Colombo University, with the participation of sixty (60) Sanghas who were distinguished Dharma speakers.

The Venerable Reverend Dr. Valeboda Gunasiri Anuna Thero, Anunayake of Sri Lanka Ramagna Mahanikaya who spoke further said…

“In the meaning of Dharma, we preach to be good. We hope for a good life. Also, good trade, entrepreneurship, and production are very important for a virtuous society. Today, our monks who are participating here are a group of monks who are learned as well as eloquent dharma speakers. We can take this message of entrepreneurship to the country. Our monks are the best communicators. They can take this message to the country through temples, schools, religious societies, and also the economy of our country It is possible to restore them by finding the reasons for the collapse, but it cannot be done by entrepreneurship alone Steps should be taken to create an environment that is favorable to industries and encourages entrepreneurs, and for that, full support should be received from the Government as well as the Industrial Development Board. Also, the self-confidence of our people, the youth, which has suffered and become frustrated, should be restored. For that, the government should create confidence. Entrepreneurs should be encouraged in the same way. There are very talented entrepreneurs in our country. Their talents and character stories should be made known to the generation of students in our country. Then through the character stories of the entrepreneurs of this country, they will be able to create respect for them. We, as the clergy, give our support to this work. In particular, it should be mentioned that politics should not be brought into this. In the future, we will work with the Industrial Development Board to provide the necessary support to build this country. I would like to happily mention that all our monks who are participating here today will take the lead in providing the necessary support to the steps taken by the Industrial Development Board to create an entrepreneurial culture in this country.”

Dr. Saranga Alahapperuma, the Chairman of Ceylon Industry Development Board, who gave his comments and explained the purpose, said:

“Industry Minister Dr. Ramesh Pathirana’s industry concept is to enable the economic development of the country in an export-oriented manufacturing economy. For that, we have to create an entrepreneurial culture and an entrepreneurial mindset in our country. In doing so, we as a government are honorable citizens of our society. In order to obtain the guidance, blessings, and advice of a group, we expect to have this respectable monk talk, where we expect the support of the Venerable Leader and the Venerable Maha Sangha for thirty years in our country Just like the war hero was placed at the highest level of the country’s hierarchy during the Corona disaster, if we want to save this country, we need to bring the entrepreneurial heroes of this decade to the top of the hierarchy. For that, your guidance and blessings are needed. said.

Dr. Saranga Alahapperuma, Chairman of Ceylon Industry Development Board, who spoke further, said:
“There are about 15 lakh (15) lakhs of our country’s workforce in government service, but more than seventy lakh (70) lakhs (70) people have been given jobs by private sector businessmen. And these businessmen are the ones who pay the most taxes, they use low-value raw materials and high-value goods. They bring the necessary dollars to our country. That’s why they should be respected in the hierarchy of our society. That’s why we can move our country forward only if we make this entrepreneur a social force We as the Industrial Development Board have taken many steps in the past to encourage entrepreneurs who are the driving force of economic development in the country The purpose of this monk dialogue is to get support, have a discussion about this, and get your advice, advice, guidance and blessings to adopt an entrepreneurial culture suitable for our country.” said.

A few  of distinguished dharma speakers who participated in this event also spoke.

Director General of Industrial Development Board H.M.S. Samarakoon, Director (Entrepreneurship Development) Renuka Jayalath, Director (Regional Development) PPS Dickwella also participated.

Venue: Industry Development Board Auditorium