Supply chain management is essential to achieve targeted objectives

– Industries Minister Dr. Ramesh Pathirana –
The Industrial Development Board (IDB) operating under the Ministry of Industry has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Institute of Supply and Materials Management (ISMM) on supply and materials management in the industrial sector with the aim of further promoting the industrial sector. It was conducted 10th April 2023 at the Ministry of Industry under the chairmanship of the Minister of Plantation and Industry Dr. Ramesh Pathirana.

The Memorandum of Understanding signed by Dr. Saranga Alahapperuma, Chairman of the Industrial Development Board and Mr. Jayantha Galleheva, Chairman of the ISMM, plans to prepare a basic policy framework for managing the supply chain related to the industry sector. Also, the implementation of this MoU will enable the efficient and strengthening of the supply chain process in the factories.

With a long history of 50 years, the ISMM is the leading institution that produces professionals in the field of supply and material management, and together with the leading government agency that provides facilities for industries, IDB in this regard hoping to conduct many programs on supply chain management for private sector and public sector industries.

Speaking here, Minister Ramesh Pathirana said,

He thanked the ISMM for producing supply chain management professionals at a time when independent professionals and entrepreneurs are needed.

The Minister further said that it is essential to develop import substitution and export manufacturing industries in the future and especially in order to bring forward micro, small and medium scale industries, it is important to carry out the supply chain management of those industries correctly and efficiently.

Speaking on this occasion, the ISMM Chairman thanked the Minister for taking the initiative to name the 24th of October every year as “National Supply Chain Day” from last year and also sent an Advisory Note to the Minister of the recently held International Conference on Supply and Materials Management.

Officials of Industrial Development Board of Ceylon and a group of officials of Supply and Material Management Institute joined this event.
