The Industrial Development Board and “Mother Sri Lanka” have entered into an agreement for the development of small and medium scale entrepreneurs.
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  • The Industrial Development Board and “Mother Sri Lanka” have entered into an agreement for the development of small and medium scale entrepreneurs.

A memorandum of understanding was recently signed at Battaramulla “Ape Gama” premises to provide full support to the Industrial Development Board for the development of manufacturing industries of small and medium scale entrepreneurs of the “Mother Sri Lanka” project.

Here, Chairman of  Industrial Development Board Dr. Saranga Alahapperuma and Chairman of “Mother Sri Lanka” project Mrs. Janaki Kuruppu signed this memorandum of understanding.

According to this Memorandum of Understanding, the small and medium scale entrepreneurs of the “Mother Sri Lanka” project need knowledge, understanding, training, as well as government support, assistance and support for the manufacturing industries to sell, promote, advertise and market their products through the Ceylon Plaza e-commerce platform. Provide support and assistance.

Venue: "Ape Gama" Battaramulla